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ASG Election Vote Logo



President & Vice President Elect

Ryan Rani & Erta Hoxha's camppign poster

Ryan Rani & Erta Hoxha

Hi, we're Ryan and Erta, and we're thrilled to run for ASG Prez/VP! Our goals are Education, Access, and Transparency. We plan to prioritize Financial Accessibility and Transparency, Campus Safety and Well-being, and Student Engagement and Representation. Let's create positive change by "Building Bridges and Uniting Communities.

Senate Chair Elect

Claire Kerb's Senate Chair poster

Claire Kerbs

Continued prioritization of inclusive student safety and wellness initiatives for ALL students. Dedicated to uplifting student voices and fostering collaboration between ASG and other organizations on campus through increased communication, Senate participation in community events, and the creation of a CSO network. Putting the Claire in Santa Clara.

Junior Class Senator Elect

Carolyn Poster

Carolyn Bayram

My name is Carolyn, and I am passionate about improving your SCU experience. Some projects I am working on are allowing students to transfer dining points to each other and providing students with excused absences for mental health reasons. I want to continue fighting for your needs next year!

Sophomore Class Senator Elects

Allyson Li

Hey Class of ‘27! I’m Allyson Li, running to be your sophomore senator. I am passionate about making SCU a more vibrant community and committed to representing your needs, ideas, and dreams. I look forward to serving you all this year!

Taara's poster

Taara Khan

A vote for Taara is a vote for student wellness and progress! With a year of experience in Student Government, Taara aims to prioritize student well-being and comfort around campus through projects and internal changes using her position as senator.

Carmen's Poster

Carmen Duque-Diaz

Hi y'all! My name is Carmen Duque-Diaz and I'm running for Sophomore Senator. I'm from Dallas, TX and I'm currently studying Mechanical Engineering and am a part of the women's rowing team here! I was a first year senator last year and would love to continue working with ASG Senate!

Frank Pusich

I aspire to be a representative of not only my class, but all here at SCU. As a senator, I will be a

part of the discussions and actions that will affect the greater SCU community for the better, and

I will do what I can to meet those needs.

Johnathan's Poster

Johnathan Amidi

As a dedicated student, proud Bronco, and Santa Clara native, I am committed to both amplifying the voices of our sophomore class and making our campus the best it can be. With a keen understanding of our diverse needs and unwavering determination, I pledge to advocate for initiatives that foster academic excellence, promote inclusivity, and enhance the overall student experience.

Election Complaint

If you believe a candidate has violated Election Code and would like to follow an election complaint please follow the steps below. Remember if you see something say something, anyone can submit a complaint.

Make a copy of this document, edit it with the relevant complaint, email it to or print it out and submit it to the ASG office (if no one is there, slide under the door).


April 16-18th

Attend Information Session

April 16-24th

Collect Signatures on your Petition for Candidacy

April 24th

Turn in your Petition for Candidacy and all other election materials by 6pm in the ASG Office

April 25th @ 8am-May 1st @ Midnight

Campaigning to Student Body

April 29th @ 8-9:30pm

Meet the Candidates | California Mission Room

April 30th @ 8-9:30pm

Debate Night | Benson Parlors B/C

May 1st @ 8am - Midnight

Election Day!

May 2nd @ 12am

Candidates will be informed of election results (permitting there are no election complications)

May 2nd @ 8am

The student body will be sent election results via email (permitting there are no election complications)

Election Committee

The Election Committee helps to oversee the election process, should you have any concerns or questions regarding elections please reach out to the Election Committee Chair.

Committee Chair

Jenna Solis (


Payton Pemberton

Jocelyn Hsiung

Mariella Castillo

Madi Moynihan

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